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This is some text inside of a div block.

Problem Tech Solves

Tech Brief

Our healthcare system consists of thousands of disparate organizations and technologies that all aim to improve outcomes for patients, but because the system is decentralized, communication gaps often grow between these organizations. These gaps can become dangerous cracks through which vulnerable patients, from substance-exposed infants to medically complex seniors, can easily fall. The Collective platform closes these chasms using advanced, real-time data sharing and robust analytics, allowing providers, payers, and public health organizations to promptly obtain needed information and understand it using powerful filters, visualizations, and other tools. When an emergency department nurse, a primary care doctor, or a health plan care manager has the right information at hand at the right time, care decisions and interventions have the best chance of improving patient outcomes.

Tech Differentiators

The Collective network represents the single largest acute and post-acute healthcare data-sharing network in North America. The network currently operates in 46 states and includes more than 2,500 hospitals and 27,000 post-acute care sites, with these numbers growing continuously. In addition, our solutions are tailored to meet the specific workflow needs of each participant. For example, ED providers require notification content dissimilar than primary care physicians or post-acute or health plan case managers. Therefore, the platform is implemented with appropriate configurations for different end users in different healthcare organizations and integrated with their various EHRs. An additional key differentiator is the ability to aggregate data for purposes of quality- and performance-based and related reporting. Collective partners closely with state hospital associations, ACEP chapters, and government entities to produce custom reports to support a variety of quality improvement and incentive programs. These initiatives have included clinical outcomes reporting, engagement metrics, efficacy measures and other population health metrics. Collective’s versatile platform, its integration with EHRs and other systems throughout the healthcare landscape such as: public health, ACOs, and community partners make it a unifying force that breaks down silos, empowering all participants to provide the best-informed and most efficient care for patients at each stem of their healthcare journeys.


Data retrieved from the Collective platform has allowed measurement of economic and clinical ROI through case studies curated with time and segment-based cohorts as well as comparative and observational analysis. Case studies performed have indicated a healthy ROI of 3x-10x. Collective's ACO ROI value drivers sum to over $1M+ gain for average sized ACOs. In addition, studies indicated an 85% reduction in post-discharge time and 75% reduction in high-risk patient readmission rate. Studies display that prompt outreach post-discharge has been closely tied to reduction readmission risk rates between 22% - 60% by various third party studies. The Collective platform has contributed to the reduction of case managers time roughly by 1/3 as it relates to performing activities that the Collective platform largely automates, leading to reduced staffing and ROI. More specifically, using the Collective Network as the technical backbone for Washington State’s ER is for Emergencies program—which includes all hospitals and emergency departments in the state—Washington saw the following outcomes after the program’s first year: 9.9 percent reduction in overall emergency department Medicaid visits 10.7 percent reduction in emergency department use among frequent utilizers 14.2 percent reduction in low-acuity emergency department encounters 24 percent reduction in opioid prescriptions given in the emergency department $34 million in savings in the program’s first year In 2015, reported reduced overdose deaths by 27% Collective’s users consistently report more significant administrative, clinical, and economic ROI than any other alternative offerings, which leads to sustainability, user engagement, and better healthcare.

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