Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

Problem Tech Solves

Tech Brief

- GYANT grows patients' confidence in their own ability to navigate care and confidence that their future engagements will be seamless. This reignites patients' engagement with their care and brings them back continuously. - GYANT is enabling patients to self-serve. This leads to improved conversion rates/patient capture and decreased contact center traffic. - GYANT is re-engaging patients that have become disengaged during the pandemic. Healthcare is complicated and patients can't be expected to navigate their journey on their own. However, with staff shortages and the volume of inbound patients, it is impossible to help everyone in a timely manner. GYANT helps to bring more of these patients in for the care they desire and need.

Tech Differentiators

In 2022, GYANT released an all-new UI. The updated UI improves accessibility for patients with permanent, temporary, or situational disabilities as well as reduces strain on non-disabled users. The update also opens avenues for more integrations and improvements to current integrations. In order to create a seamless experience, we bring the functionality of outside tools directly into the GYANT chat. GYANT offers the broadest set of use cases, configurations, integrations, and endpoints of all healthcare virtual assistants. To meaningfully impact the patient experience, a virtual assistant must be able to help patients with a wide variety of needs. That is why GYANT covers both clinical and non-clinical use cases and is flexible enough to perfectly fit any health system or patient base's needs. GYANT offers "closed widget call to actions," which help a patient skip straight to some of the most common GYANT uses before even opening the widget. This often offers to help find a doctor or make an appointment but is fully configurable to address the health system's current priorities.


Hospital System with 15 hospitals, 2,200 licensed beds, and 175,000 annual sessions: - $1.2 million annual call center savings - $1.2 million annual net new patient revenue. 190 new patient triages per day. 50% of triages are new patients. Hospital System with 17 hospitals, 4,700 licensed beds, and 45,000 annual sessions: - Closed widget call to action findings -- Increased overall utilization of the virtual assistant by 20% -- Highlighted closed widget functions (Find a location, Pay a bill, etc.) see doubled 50% overall increase in utilization compared to months prior to feature launch. -- Pay a bill increased 6.5x in utilization with closed widget CTA, making up 44% of all closed widget engagements

Why Us